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Showing 11-20 of 42 articles.

Take-All Root Rot - Everything You Need to Know About This Common Lawn Disease in Texas

Take-All Root Rot - Everything You Need to Know About This Common Lawn Disease in Texas

It's never fun to discover that your lawn has succumbed to a lawn disease. Unfortunately, take-all root rot is one of the most prominent fungal infections in Texas that targets the roots of your grass and causes extensive damage. This lawn disease affects warm-season lawns and is caused by a fungus that survives in the soil and thatch layer. When it plagues your turf, take-all root rot will make its roots rotten and black and result in irregular, brown patches. The fungus becomes active when your lawn comes out of winter dormancy and thrives in warm, wet conditions and compacted soil with poor drainage. If this disease affects your turf, you want to hire pros to diagnose and eliminate it with a curative treatment.

What is take-all root rot, and how does it damage your lawn?

Take-all root rot is a lawn disease that commonly affects warm-season lawns in Texas, like St. Augustine and bermudagrass. It is caused by a fungus that survives in the soil and the thatch layer. Because of where the fungus is found, this disease primarily targets the roots of your grass. When your lawn emerges from winter dormancy, it can become active and start showcasing symptoms.

When your lawn is infected with take-all root rot, the grass blades will become yellow before turning brown and wilting as it progresses. Your lawn will also thin out, and the irregular patches of discolored grass can reach up to 20 feet in diameter. When you inspect your turf closely and look at the roots, you'll ...

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Tips for Reducing the Mosquito Population on Your Property

Tips for Reducing the Mosquito Population on Your Property

Spending time outdoors should be fun, but the presence of mosquitoes on your property can hamper that. Fortunately, there are several measures you can follow to reduce the mosquito population on your property in Texas! Regularly mowing your grass, removing debris from your yard, and keeping your gutters unclogged are some ways to eliminate spots where mosquitoes can take shelter in your outdoor space. Removing standing water is also crucial as it takes away the area where these pests lay their eggs. However, the best way to eliminate them from your property is to sign up for professional mosquito control treatments!

Regularly mow your lawn and remove debris from your yard to help keep mosquitoes away.

The overgrown grass and piles of debris in your yard provide the perfect environment for mosquitoes to thrive in. Tall grass and piles of debris are ideal spots for mosquitoes to take shelter from the sun, wind, and predators. It's vital that you regularly mow your lawn to keep it short so they don't retain and trap moisture that mosquitoes need to lay eggs. This will also ensure enough sunlight reaches the ground so they can't linger there to take refuge. Removing debris like grass clippings, twigs, and leaves will help deter mosquitoes because it will eliminate the areas where they can stay to hide from predators and hunker down in case things get windy. Without a place to hide and become comfortable, your property will become unappealing to...

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Armyworms Are Your Lawn's Enemy - Don't Let These Insects March Through Your Turf!

Armyworms Are Your Lawn's Enemy - Don't Let These Insects March Through Your Turf!

Armyworms are a serious threat to lawns in Texas. These pests are the larvae of moths with sleek bodies that can be distinguished by the yellow or white lines down their backs. Armyworms feed on grass blades and move in large numbers, which is why they can cause extensive lawn damage in a short amount of time. They are most active in the late summer to fall when the hundreds of eggs that the female armyworms laid earlier in the season hatch and the larvae start to feed. If you notice signs of an armyworm infestation on your lawn, contact professionals immediately. They can determine if it is infested by armyworms and administer effective curative treatments to eliminate them from your turf.

What are armyworms, and what damage can they cause to your lawn?

Armyworms are the larvae of moths. These destructive pests have small bodies spanning only about 1 1/2 inches long. Their sleek bodies are smooth and can be tan, green, or almost black with yellow or white lines on their backs.

Despite their small size, armyworms can cause extensive lawn damage because of their appetite. They feed on blades of grass, and they can cause extensive damage to your turf in a quick amount of time if a large amount of them go marching through your turf. Armyworm damage appears as patches of brown grass that look ragged upon close inspection. If your lawn is already in distress due to drought, it is more vulnerable to armyworm damage!

What time of the year do armyworms become most...

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Liquid vs Granular Fertilizer: Which One Should You Use for Your Lawn in Texas?

Liquid vs Granular Fertilizer: Which One Should You Use for Your Lawn in Texas?

Fertilization is essential for caring for your lawn and giving it the nutrients it needs to stay healthy, green, and resilient to stressors. However, there are two types of fertilizer: liquid and granular. Liquid fertilizer is sprayed across your turf and considered fast-release, providing nourishment to its roots almost immediately. On the other hand, granular fertilizer comes as small granules, which are spread across your lawn and have to be watered in to activate. This treatment is considered slow-release, delivering nutrients gradually over an extended period. Both types are beneficial, but liquid fertilizers are ideal for lawns in Texas because they allow for better nutrient uptake and will get yours in prime condition in no time.

What is granular fertilizer, and how does it work?

Granular fertilizer, as the name implies, consists of small granule pellets that are spread across your lawn and need to be watered in to activate. These treatments are considered slow-release, meaning they deliver nutrients gradually over an extended period. Once the granules are watered, they begin to break down and work into the soil, nourishing the roots underneath in a controlled way.

What is liquid fertilizer, and how does it work?

Liquid fertilizer is a water-soluble treatment that is sprayed across your entire lawn via a hose. This type of fertilizer is considered fast-release, meaning once it's applied, it begins absorbing into the soil and providing valuable nutrients...

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Want to Transform Your Landscape Beds? Do These 4 Things!

Want to Transform Your Landscape Beds? Do These 4 Things!

If you want to transform your landscape beds in Texas, there are four things that you need to do. The first thing that you should do is remove any weeds from them because they can drag down the curb appeal of your property and they will steal nutrients away from your plants. The second thing that you should do is trim your hedges and shrubs because if they are not well-maintained, they can start looking unkempt and take away from the beauty of your landscape beds. The third thing that you should do is clean out any leaves and debris from them because they can smother your plants and make your landscape beds look messy. The last thing that you should do is refresh the mulch in your landscape beds because a fresh layer of mulch will add color to them and it will also provide benefits to your plants.

1. Remove any weeds from your landscape beds.

Weeds are unsightly plants that can tarnish the appearance of your landscape beds. They are also known as nutrient thieves because they will steal essential nutrients from your plants so that they can grow and spread. It is important to remove any weeds from your landscape beds on a regular basis so that your plants don't have to compete with them.

Some common weeds that can pop up in Texas include crabgrass, dandelion, henbit, chickweed, and more!

2. Trim your hedges and shrubs regularly.

Your plants can become overgrown and untamed if you don't keep them trimmed. This is why you should trim your hedges ...

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Signing Up for a Professional Holiday Lighting Service Is Worth It!

Signing Up for a Professional Holiday Lighting Service Is Worth It!

Holiday lighting is a great way to get into the festive spirit for the Christmas season, but it can be a time-consuming and tedious task to hang them yourself. That's why signing up for a professional holiday lighting service is worth it! After all, pros will design and install your lights before the season starts, sometimes adding other decorations for an even better holiday display. They also usually handle any maintenance with your Christmas lights; if one goes out, they'll return at no additional cost to replace it. Then, when the season is over, they will remove and store them for you. By hiring a professional company to handle all aspects of your holiday lighting display, you can sit back and enjoy the entire season stress-free and still have your home in Texas decked out for the holidays!

Pros Will Design & Install Your Holiday Lighting Display Before the Season Starts

When you sign up for a holiday lighting service, professionals will visit your property before the season begins for a consultation, where they'll design and plan your ideal display. During this, you'll discuss your goals, vision, and where you would like them installed. Once they have a good idea of what you expect, they'll work on bringing it to fruition.

Pros will custom-cut your Christmas lights to fit your property perfectly and can even sometimes add other decorations for a more comprehensive holiday display! Some of these include tree wraps and wreaths, which ...

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Should I Wait to Mow My Lawn After It Rains?

Should I Wait to Mow My Lawn After It Rains?

Mowing is a vital maintenance task for your lawn in Texas, but you want to avoid doing it right after it rains. For one, the wet grass clippings can get caught in your lawn mower and clog it, possibly causing damage and making it more difficult to clean. Additionally, mowing your lawn right after it rains can create ruts because the damp, moist soil can't hold the mower's weight, causing it to sink in. Not only that, but the grass will also be weighed down by rain droplets, so it likely won't make clean cuts. As a result, your turf will look uneven and choppy. Rather than dealing with these problems, you should always wait to mow after it rains!

You Can Clog Your Lawn Mower if You Mow Right After It Rains

When you mow your lawn right after it rains, there is a chance that your lawn mower will become clogged. After all, the wet grass clippings start collecting into clumps and can get caught in the blades. When this happens, it can hinder your lawn mower's performance and possibly even lead to damage! Not only that, but it will also make it more difficult to clean with wet clippings sticking to the underside. Rather than dealing with these issues, you should always wait to mow your lawn after it rains.

Mowing your lawn after it rains can create ruts in the soil.

Another downside to mowing your lawn right after it rains is that it can create ruts in the soil. The reason for this is that the damp, moist soil cannot hold the weight of the lawn...

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How Often Should I Refresh the Mulch in My Landscape Beds?

How Often Should I Refresh the Mulch in My Landscape Beds?

Mulch is a great addition to landscape beds because it offers health benefits for your plants, like regulating soil temperature and moisture levels. It also will help prevent weeds from growing in your landscape beds here in Texas. However, mulch breaks down over time, so you'll need to refresh it once a year to make sure that it continues to provide its intended benefits. You should do this around springtime or fall as these are the times of the year when your plants will benefit most from having fresh mulch. When applying mulch in your landscape beds, you need to ensure it's at the appropriate thickness level because it can be determinantal to your plants if it's too thick and won't provide its intended benefits if it's not thick enough.

You should refresh the mulch in your landscape beds once a year.

When it comes to the question of how often you should replenish the mulch in your landscape beds, the answer is once a year. The main reason you should refresh the mulch in your landscape beds annually is to ensure that it's providing all of its intended benefits. Mulch is made up of natural materials that are going to decompose over time. As it breaks down, it will no longer be able to provide the many health benefits that it was designed to do. So, you must replenish it annually to ensure that it continues to offer everything it's supposed to. Here are some of the key benefits of refreshing the mulch in your landscape beds:

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Replenishing Your Mulch Ground Cover Is More Important Than You Think!

Replenishing Your Mulch Ground Cover Is More Important Than You Think!

Mulch is a great ground cover for your landscape beds in Texas, as it will help keep them looking pristine and manicured. However, replenishing your mulch ground cover is more important than you think! That's because mulch consists of organic material, so it will eventually decompose. That means it needs to be replenished once a year to ensure it's still providing its intended benefits, like soil temperature regulation, moisture retention, weed suppression, and more. Another reason why it's more important to replenish your mulch ground cover is because it will enhance the visual appeal of your landscape beds. Not only does it add color to your landscape beds, but it can also make your plants stand out even more!

Mulch is made of organic material, so it will eventually decompose.

Mulch is comprised of organic materials like wood chips and bark, which means that it will eventually decompose over time. This is not only normal but beneficial too! That's because mulch contains a ton of beneficial nutrients, and as it decomposes, it will release these nutrients into the soil. The plants in your landscape beds will then be able to absorb the nutrients, which will contribute to their overall strength and vigor, helping them flourish and reach their full potential.

Replenishing Your Mulch Will Ensure It Is Providing Its Intended Benefits

Mulch provides a ton of benefits to your landscape beds and plants if it's at its appropriate thickness....

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Pre-Emergent Weed Control: What Is It & Does My Lawn Need It?

Pre-Emergent Weed Control: What Is It & Does My Lawn Need It?

If you're wondering whether your lawn in Texas needs pre-emergent weed control, the answer is yes! Pre-emergent weed control is a highly effective treatment that prevents weeds from sprouting on your turf. It does this by creating a barrier in the soil that newly germinated weeds can't penetrate, stopping them before they even get the chance to pop up and cause problems. As a result, it drastically reduces the population. These treatments should be applied four times a year: pre-spring, early spring, fall, and late fall. However, you'll also want to utilize post-emergent weed control throughout the year to eliminate any existing weeds on your lawn.

What is pre-emergent weed control?

Pre-emergent weed control is an herbicide treatment that prevents weeds from sprouting on your lawn and causing problems in the first place. It's applied across your entire turf and seeps into the soil, creating a protective barrier that newly germinated weeds can't penetrate. So, as they try to grow further and access the resources they need, it will stop them from doing so.

Some common weeds in Texas include crabgrass, nutsedge, dallisgrass, poa annua, and henbit.

Does my lawn need pre-emergent weed control?

Your lawn needs pre-emergent weed control because it drastically reduces the number of weeds that pop up throughout the year. Without this treatment, you could end up with a lot of weeds. Not only does this drag down your lawn's curb appeal,...

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