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Avoid Overfertilizing Your Lawn - It Can Result in These Problems!

Avoid Overfertilizing Your Lawn - It Can Result in These Problems!

Overfertilizing your lawn in Texas can lead to several problems. Firstly, it can cause fertilizer burn, damaging your grass. Secondly, it can result in nutrient pollution as excess nutrients not absorbed by your grass run off into waterways. Additionally, overfertilization is a waste of money, as the excess fertilizer provides no additional benefit to your lawn. To avoid these issues, consider hiring professionals to fertilize your lawn. They have the expertise to apply the right amount of fertilizer at the optimal times, ensuring your grass gets the nourishment it needs without the negative consequences of overfertilization.

Applying too much fertilizer to your lawn can cause fertilizer burn.

Fertilizer burn on a lawn in Keller, TX.

Overfertilizing your lawn can lead to a condition known as fertilizer burn, which occurs when plants receive too much of certain nutrients, particularly nitrogen. This excess of nutrients causes the soil to become overly concentrated with salts, which can dehydrate the plant by drawing moisture away from its roots. The result is often brown, scorched-looking blades of grass and stunted growth, as the plant struggles to absorb water and essential nutrients properly. Fertilizer burn can be particularly damaging because it not only affects the immediate health and appearance of grass but can also lead to long-term soil imbalances, making it harder for future grass to thrive.

Overfertilizing can lead to nutrient imbalances in the soil, resulting in weaker, less...

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The Recommended Fertilization Schedule for Lawns in Texas

The Recommended Fertilization Schedule for Lawns in Texas

It is crucial to follow the correct fertilization schedule to keep your lawn in Texas strong and healthy throughout the year. In spring, you should fertilize twice to promote new grass growth and prepare it for the intense summer heat. During summer, it's best to apply another two rounds of fertilizer to replenish its nutrients and sustain it through the season. In the fall, the last two applications of fertilizer should be applied to help the lawn recover from summer and enter winter in a healthy and robust state, so it can then emerge from winter dormancy with ease.

Fertilize your lawn twice in the spring to promote new growth and prepare for summer.

A professional fertilizing a residential lawn in Keller, TX.

The spring season is a time for growth, and your lawn is no different. As your lawn gets ready to start growing again after the winter season has passed, you'll want to provide it with the nutrients it needs to start the growing season on the right foot. For the best results, apply fertilizer once in mid-spring (mid-March - mid-May) and once in late spring (mid-May - late June). A fertilizer application in mid-spring will promote new grass growth as your lawn gradually emerges from winter dormancy. This new grass growth will encourage a dense, vibrant lawn sooner in the growing season. Another fertilizer application in late spring will help prepare your lawn for the upcoming summer. If your lawn goes into the summer with a sufficient supply of nutrients to feed off of, it's more likely to not only get...

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Liquid vs Granular Fertilizer: Which One Should You Use for Your Lawn in Texas?

Liquid vs Granular Fertilizer: Which One Should You Use for Your Lawn in Texas?

Fertilization is essential for caring for your lawn and giving it the nutrients it needs to stay healthy, green, and resilient to stressors. However, there are two types of fertilizer: liquid and granular. Liquid fertilizer is sprayed across your turf and considered fast-release, providing nourishment to its roots almost immediately. On the other hand, granular fertilizer comes as small granules, which are spread across your lawn and have to be watered in to activate. This treatment is considered slow-release, delivering nutrients gradually over an extended period. Both types are beneficial, but liquid fertilizers are ideal for lawns in Texas because they allow for better nutrient uptake and will get yours in prime condition in no time.

What is granular fertilizer, and how does it work?

Granular fertilizer, as the name implies, consists of small granule pellets that are spread across your lawn and need to be watered in to activate. These treatments are considered slow-release, meaning they deliver nutrients gradually over an extended period. Once the granules are watered, they begin to break down and work into the soil, nourishing the roots underneath in a controlled way.

What is liquid fertilizer, and how does it work?

Liquid fertilizer is a water-soluble treatment that is sprayed across your entire lawn via a hose. This type of fertilizer is considered fast-release, meaning once it's applied, it begins absorbing into the soil and providing valuable nutrients...

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