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Showing 21-30 of 42 articles.

3 Ways You Can Clean up Leaves From Your Yard

3 Ways You Can Clean up Leaves From Your Yard

The fall season here in Texas brings fallen leaves across your yard, which also means you'll need to clean them up. Three ways you can do this include raking, using a leaf blower, and hiring professionals to do it for you. While raking is the most cost-efficient option, it requires a lot of manual labor and takes a long time. On the other hand, leaf blowers make quicker work of the leaves, but they're more costly than rakes, and you're still spending valuable time on yard work. Because of this, hiring pros to clean up the leaves is the best option, as you can take back your time and enjoy a manicured, leaf-free yard without lifting a finger!

1. Raking

Raking is one of the most common methods of cleaning up leaves from your yard. While this option is the most cost-effective, it requires a lot of manual labor and takes a long time. After all, it involves manually collecting all the leaves from your yard with a rake, which is backbreaking, tedious work. Not only that, but it's also not as efficient, especially if you have a large area to clear. As a result, raking will prove to be more hassle than it's worth.

You don't want to skip leaf removal because leaves can smother your grass, drag down its curb appeal, attract pests, and create conducive conditions for lawn diseases!

2. Using a Leaf Blower

Another way to clean up the leaves from your yard is by using a leaf blower. The pros of this method are that it's quicker than raking and...

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What Lawn Care Does My Grass in Keller, TX Need This Fall?

What Lawn Care Does My Grass in Keller, TX Need This Fall?

The fall season is a great time of year for your lawn in Keller, TX. Your grass will be preparing to go into winter dormancy and it needs the right care during this time to ensure that it survives until spring. One way to help your lawn prepare for the winter is by using pre-emergent weed control treatments. These treatments prevent weeds from sprouting through the soil and causing problems on your lawn. You should apply these treatments in early fall as well as in late fall so that you can get ahead of any weeds before they have a chance to grow. Another important thing you need to do during the fall is to use post-emergent weed control treatments. Post-emergent treatments are designed to eliminate any existing weeds on your property. The last thing you should do this fall is to administer a winterizer treatment. This type of treatment helps your lawn survive the cold winter months. For the best results, you should hire pros to administer these treatments to ensure they are applied correctly, at the right time, and that an effective product is used.

Use pre-emergent weed control treatments in early fall and late fall.

Pre-emergent weed control treatments are very effective at preventing new weeds from emerging on your lawn. It works by creating a barrier in the soil that newly germinated weeds cannot penetrate. In order for this type of treatment to work effectively, you need to apply it in early fall. That's because if you wait too long, then many types of weeds...

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These Problems Can Occur When You Don't Remove Leaves From Your Lawn!

These Problems Can Occur When You Don't Remove Leaves From Your Lawn!

With the fall season here in Texas comes colorful leaves - and the dreaded chore of removing them when they fall onto your lawn. While it may be tempting to skip leaf cleanup, doing so can lead to several problems. For one, leaf piles smother your grass and block essential resources from reaching it, including sunlight, oxygen, and nutrients. They also attract pests, providing shelter from the elements and predators. Additionally, leaf piles create the perfect environment for lawn diseases to develop because they trap moisture underneath and inhibit sunlight accessibility, which are ideal conditions for fungi to thrive. If you want to avoid these problems, you should remove the leaves from your lawn!

Leaf piles smother your grass and block essential resources from reaching it.

Piles of leaves on your lawn can smother it and block essential resources from reaching it, including oxygen, sunlight, and nutrients. Your turf can't perform photosynthesis without adequate sunlight, which will happen when leaves are scattered across it. Similarly, leaf piles will inhibit proper air circulation and nutrient accessibility to the grass underneath. Without these resources, it'll become weak and brown, plus make it susceptible to stressors. Because of this, removing the leaves is a task you don't want to skip!

Leaf piles will take away from your lawn's beauty, detracting from its curb appeal.

Piles of leaves attract pests to your lawn.

If there are piles ...

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LED Bulbs Are a Must for Your Holiday Lighting!

LED Bulbs Are a Must for Your Holiday Lighting!

LED lights are the best option for your holiday lighting display here in Texas, as they are safer, more durable, longer-lasting, and more energy efficient when compared to incandescent bulbs. LED bulbs do not generate as much heat compared to incandescent light bulbs, which makes them safer because you won't burn yourself while handling them. They are also made from strong materials that can withstand the elements such as rain and wind. What's more, LED lights have a longer lifespan than other types of lights, so you don't have to change them out as often! Lastly, LED lights are very energy efficient. They use less power than other types of lights and will save you money on your electric bill when compared to incandescent lights. Continue reading this blog to learn more about why you should use LED bulbs for your holiday lighting display!

LED bulbs are great to use for holiday lighting because they are safer than incandescent bulbs.

One of the biggest benefits of using LED bulbs for your holiday lighting is their safety. Unlike incandescent bulbs, LED lights don’t get hot like traditional bulbs do. These types of lights are generally cool to the touch, so you can handle them without getting burned. Also, they are unlikely to burst, so you won't have to worry about them combusting and catching something on fire. So, if safety is a high priority for you, make sure to use LED lights for your holiday lighting display!

LED Bulbs Are More...

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Green Flags to Look for When Hiring a Company to Install Your Holiday Lighting

Green Flags to Look for When Hiring a Company to Install Your Holiday Lighting

The holiday season is a joyous time of year, and it's no surprise that many property owners in Texas are looking to decorate their homes with beautiful holiday lighting. However, you need to be careful who you hire to install your holiday lights, and there certain things you should look for in a company before hiring them. For example, you should make sure the company uses commercial-grade LED lights because they are energy efficient and will last for years to come. You should also be able to choose from multiple color options when designing your lighting display so that you can create something that meets your aesthetic preferences. Additionally, you should sign up for an all-inclusive holiday light installation service. This way, the company will handle everything from start to finish, including removal, storage, and maintenance. Finally, you should make sure the company you hire is fully insured so that you and the workers are both protected!

Make sure the holiday lighting company you hire uses commercial-grade LED lights!

When hiring a company to install your holiday lighting, you want to make sure they use high-quality commercial-grade LED lights. These types of lights are energy efficient, durable, long-lasting, and bright. They will not only save you money on your electric bill but they'll also last for years to come. What's more, these lights are safer than traditional incandescent bulbs since they don't get as hot and are less likely to...

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3 Things You Can Do to Keep Pests Out of Your Home or Business in Keller, TX

3 Things You Can Do to Keep Pests Out of Your Home or Business in Keller, TX

Pests are a nuisance that can invade your home or business in Keller, TX, and disturb your peace. Fortunately, you can take proactive measures to keep them outside where they belong! First, you should clean up any crumbs, spills, and dirty dishes right away to avoid attracting pests to a potential food source. Second, you'll also want to store your food properly in sealed containers to keep them from accessing it. However, while these steps will reduce the amount of pests that find their way inside, scheduling a perimeter pest control service is the most effective way to ensure your home or business remains free of these unwanted guests.

1. Clean up any crumbs, spills, and dirty dishes immediately.

One of the ways you can keep pests from invading your home or business in Keller, TX, is by cleaning up any crumbs, spills, and dirty dishes immediately. When left alone, these tiny messes provide an easy food source for them. After all, they have a keen sense of smell and will track down anything they can eat. So, if you want to keep from inviting them into your inside space, it's best to wipe up any crumbs and spills and avoid leaving piles of dirty dishes in the sink! This simple step will help eliminate potential sources of attraction and make it less inviting for pests, deterring them from seeking a meal inside your home or business.

2. Keep Your Food Stored Properly in Sealed Containers

Another way to keep pests out of your home or business in Keller, ...

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5 Weeds That Commonly Infest Lawns in Keller, TX | Buffalo Outdoor

5 Weeds That Commonly Infest Lawns in Keller, TX | Buffalo Outdoor

Weeds are your turf's nemesis, stealing nutrients away for themselves and dragging down its curb appeal. Five weeds stand out as the most common ones that infest lawns in Keller, TX: crabgrass, dallisgrass, poa annua, henbit, and nutsedge. This blog discusses what these weeds look like, how they spread, and the best way to deal with them.

1. Crabgrass



Crabgrass is a weed most people are familiar with in Keller, TX. It's an annual that rapidly grows in clumps during the spring and summer seasons, and it boasts light green leaves with a coarse texture and pointed tips. Crabgrass spreads through seeds and is very difficult to get under control. The best way to get ahead of crabgrass before it surfaces on your lawn is to apply pre-emergent weed control treatments. If there's any existing growth, then you should use post-emergent herbicides to eliminate it.

Crabgrass gets its name because it has stems that extend outwards from the center of the clump, which resembles crab legs.

2. Dallisgrass

Dallisgrass is another common weed that infests lawns in Keller, TX. It's a perennial that grows in dense clumps, with wide leaves that resemble grass, hence the name. However, it grows seed heads that distinguish it from the desirable grass. Dallisgrass is one of the most challenging weeds to control, as it spreads quickly through seed and short, thick underground rhizomes. To effectively tackle it, you should utilize both pre- and...

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You Don't Need to Apply Chemicals in Your House to Keep Pests From Coming Inside!

You Don't Need to Apply Chemicals in Your House to Keep Pests From Coming Inside!

Pests have no business inside your house in Texas, but they always manage to find a way in. However, you don't need to apply chemicals inside to keep these unwanted visitors out! On the contrary, you can opt for professional perimeter pest control treatments, where techs will spray the exterior wall of your home, entryways, and across your lawn to prevent pests at the source. Additionally, they will treat your property several times throughout the active bug season to ensure there is never a lapse in coverage. They also use highly effective products proven to eliminate pests and keep them away. By signing up for a professional perimeter pest control service, you can have peace of mind knowing that your home is protected from insects without worrying about harsh chemicals being used inside.

Pros will apply treatments outside your house and on the lawn to target pests at the source.

When you sign up for a perimeter pest control service, pros will apply their treatments to the exterior wall of your house, entryways, and across your lawn. Not only do these treatments create a barrier that protects your inside space from unwanted visitors, but they also target them at the source - your turf. That way, you can avoid applying harsh chemicals in your house where you, your kids, and your pets spend most of your time yet still have a strong defense that keeps creepy crawlers outside where they belong.

Professionals will treat your property multiple times...

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3 Things You Should Check on Your Lawn Mower Before Cutting Your Grass

3 Things You Should Check on Your Lawn Mower Before Cutting Your Grass

Before cutting your grass here in Texas, you need to check a few things on your lawn mower to ensure it can do its job well and everything goes smoothly. The first thing you want to check is the sharpness of the blades. When they're sharp, they make cleaner cuts, whereas when they're dull, they can rip or tear the grass blades. You also want to ensure the mower deck height is set properly for your specific turf type, as some may need to stay longer while others can tolerate going shorter. The last thing you should check before cutting your grass is the engine oil. Dirty oil can affect how efficiently the engine runs, so you'll want to keep it clean to prevent any potential damage. By checking these three things on your lawn mower, you can ensure a smooth mowing experience and keep your lawn looking great!

1. Check that your lawn mower's blades are sharpened.

One of the most important things you need to check on your lawn mower before cutting your grass is that the blades are sharpened. Sharp blades make cleaner cuts, which not only keeps the grass blades looking neat but healthy, too. On the other hand, dull mower blades can negatively impact your lawn because they have a tougher time cutting through it, potentially ripping or tearing the grass. When this happens, it hinders its health and makes it more susceptible to diseases. Because of this, you'll always want to mow your lawn with sharpened blades so that you don’t end up...

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What Nutrients Does Your Lawn Need to Grow Healthy & Beautiful?

What Nutrients Does Your Lawn Need to Grow Healthy & Beautiful?

Your lawn in Texas needs various nutrients to grow healthy and beautiful. Macronutrients are the primary essential ones it needs in larger quantities, which include nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium. These three are crucial for helping your grass develop strong roots, maintain its vibrant green color, and withstand stressors. However, it also needs micronutrients like copper, iron, and zinc to promote healthy growth and robust root systems, strengthen its cell walls, aid in enzyme activation, and encourage chlorophyll production. To ensure your lawn receives everything it needs to thrive, you should enroll in a fertilization program that also comes with applications of micronutrients.

What macronutrients does your lawn need?

The three macronutrients your lawn needs to thrive include nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium. These nutrients are vital for keeping your turf healthy and looking great throughout the year. Here's some more information about what each provides:

  • Nitrogen helps your grass produce chlorophyll, which gives it its desirable green color. Chlorophyll also contributes to photosynthesis, which feeds and energizes your lawn, thus promoting its health and vigor.
  • Phosphorus helps strengthen your turf's roots and encourages deep, robust systems. With healthier roots comes healthier grass.
  • Potassium aids in improved water retention and nutrient uptake, plus thickens your lawn's cell walls. That way, your grass is strong...
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