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Lawn Care & Maintenance Learning Center

Get Mosquito Control

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Consistency Is Key When It Comes to Mosquito Control Treatments

Consistency Is Key When It Comes to Mosquito Control Treatments

Mosquitoes are a nuisance for property owners in Texas, so it's no wonder that you want to take control of the situation with mosquito control treatments. However, as these pests breed quickly and can be difficult to eliminate, consistency is key when it comes to effectively reducing their population throughout the season. This is because mosquito treatments only last for so long, so they will need to be applied on a regular basis to ensure optimal protection from these bloodsucking pests. What's more, the right places will also need to be targeted during each treatment application to produce good results; some common harborage areas include trees and shaded spots. To get the best results though, hire professionals to apply them, as they'll know when and where to treat to effectively target mosquitoes!

Mosquito Control Treatments Only Last For So Long

Large swarm of mosquitoes in Keller, TX.

If you want to achieve effective mosquito control, being consistent is crucial! After all, treatments typically provide relief from mosquitoes by reducing their population for about 30 days. As mosquitoes breed quickly, applying them regularly provides ongoing coverage to effectively reduce their population throughout the entirety of the season, keeping you protected when you need it most. Not only that, but it ensures there's enough overlap between applications to maintain an optimal barrier against mosquitoes. Without regular treatments, you may experience a lapse in protection, leaving you...

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Tips for Reducing the Mosquito Population on Your Property

Tips for Reducing the Mosquito Population on Your Property

Spending time outdoors should be fun, but the presence of mosquitoes on your property can hamper that. Fortunately, there are several measures you can follow to reduce the mosquito population on your property in Texas! Regularly mowing your grass, removing debris from your yard, and keeping your gutters unclogged are some ways to eliminate spots where mosquitoes can take shelter in your outdoor space. Removing standing water is also crucial as it takes away the area where these pests lay their eggs. However, the best way to eliminate them from your property is to sign up for professional mosquito control treatments!

Regularly mow your lawn and remove debris from your yard to help keep mosquitoes away.

The overgrown grass and piles of debris in your yard provide the perfect environment for mosquitoes to thrive in. Tall grass and piles of debris are ideal spots for mosquitoes to take shelter from the sun, wind, and predators. It's vital that you regularly mow your lawn to keep it short so they don't retain and trap moisture that mosquitoes need to lay eggs. This will also ensure enough sunlight reaches the ground so they can't linger there to take refuge. Removing debris like grass clippings, twigs, and leaves will help deter mosquitoes because it will eliminate the areas where they can stay to hide from predators and hunker down in case things get windy. Without a place to hide and become comfortable, your property will become unappealing to...

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Stop Heading Indoors Early Because of Pesky Mosquitoes - Do This Instead!

Stop Heading Indoors Early Because of Pesky Mosquitoes - Do This Instead!

Mosquito season is here in Texas, and these pests know how to put a damper on your outdoor festivities. However, there are a few ways to stop them from forcing you and your guests back inside. You can start by getting to the root of the problem and eliminating what's attracting them to your property in the first place. If you're short on time, you can set up natural repellents around you and your guests to keep the mosquitoes off everyone. However, the best method to keep mosquitoes off your property is to hire a professional pest control company. A pest control company will use highly effective products and systematically treat any areas on your property to prevent mosquitoes from gathering in your yard. By following these methods, you can continue enjoying the outdoors with your friends and family!

Reduce the mosquito population on your property by getting to the root of the problem.

A mosquito found over bird bath in Keller, TX.
If you notice mosquitoes are arriving in droves onto your property, then you need to figure out what is attracting them to it in the first place. You want to look out for any standing water that may be sitting out in your yard because mosquitoes use standing water to breed. If you have a pond or other water feature on your property, you can simply add a bubbler to them to keep the water in motion. For other places with water, like bird baths or water bowls for your pets, you need to make sure those are changed out often.

Mosquitoes also hide under debris to take...

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